Location Value Client
Tamala Park, WA $52M ~ Water Corporation

The Neerabup Groundwater Scheme Treatment Plant (GWTP) currently produces up to 100 ML/d of treated water.

The treated water is distributed by the Clear Water Pumping Station (CWPS) to the Neerabup Reservoir and two major distribution mains.

Water production in excess of zone demand is transferred from Neerabup Reservoir to the larger Wanneroo Reservoir by the Neerabup Transfer Pump Station (NTPS).

The GWTP is currently fed by two bore schemes, the Quinns and Whitfords borefields.

The Neerabup Groundwater Treatment Plant Upgrade will increase the system production up to 150 ML/d.

Four (4) new bores will be constructed in order to abstract the additional flow. In order to treat and deliver this additional volume, upgrades to the existing GWTP, NTPS, CWPS and Neerabup Reservoir are required.